Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 4

Today we had Ms. S. She is worse than Mrs. P! We took a Check for Understanding Quiz and the first question was 'What kind of government does Sweden have?' So I answer Socialist government 'cuz that's what Mrs. P. said yesterday. So I'm on question 7 and Ms. S. "walked" over to me and said my answer was wrong. I thought we was s'possed to find that out AFTER the quiz but nnnooo! she starts yelling at me and was like, "Didn't you read this?" and "Were you paying attention in class?" and "Well, you'll just have to read it again". DUDE! I'm going by what Mrs. P. said. Were you here yesterday? NO. Did you look it up on Wikipedia? Maybe.

Cheese Face out.

Edit 12/8/10: Now that I think about it, Mrs. S. kinda reminds me of Ms. Bitters from Invader Zim.