Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 1

Well, actually, this happened a couple days ago. Why am I telling you now? Cuz surprisingly my class was pretty good. Sooooooo... yeah.

We were trying to learn about Poland. But, as always, one of the prancies kept talking. The rest of the class didn't want to come in at 7:15 so this one kid name Irkus McIrk (not his real name) said,"You know, K., no one likes you." Well apparently that irked her. It irked her so much she went around the classroom asking if we liked her. I don't like her cuz I don't really care who dumped who via text. I love saying 'via'. Anyways, when she got to me I voiced my opinion rather funnily. I said, "No, I actually don't like you because you are always talking about who dumped who via text messages and disrupting my learning environment." When she heard that, she was totally confused. Which was what I wanted. I said that in a British accent, the one I can't talk in. Apparently, I can talk in short quips with a British accent.

Cheese Face out.