Today in Social Studies with Mister E, we went to one of the many computer labs withing my school to work on a Pre-revolutionary Newspaper project. Crazy awesome funz we had. One of the girls convinced Mister E to go on to TooYube and look for the "good music" of today's society. Why air quotes around good music? Because the music of today sucks. Why don't more kids listen to actual music, like the Beatles, They Might Be Giants, Metallica, etc. Most of today's music is just people with
very little no talent who sing into the fancy microphone at the Big-Professional-Name Record Company, who then turns the crappy singing of the singer into the auto-tuned perfection, aka: Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Justin Beaver, and Miley Cyrus, to name a few. Once in a while someone with actual talent comes along, like Taylor Swift. She's pretty good, but I don't like her music, but still, the girl has talent.
But as for the crazy awesome funz, someone beat the school district's ClickSafe thing on TooYube and started playing The Hamster Dance. Then, I Googled They Might Be Giant's Istanbul (Not Constantinople) and played that and got "voted off the island for disrespecting music". How can I disrespect music that's catchy
AND good, and I am a fellow musician myself? I love music. I love to sing. I adore my cello. No disrespecting at all. WTC?
Cheese Face out.