Yo. What up? Yeah, I know I've been slacking off. But I don't know what happened at school because I was sick. Well, allergy sick. They were baaaaaad. But, I'm stuck at my grandparents for the weekend, which I don't mind much. Except for the fact that my little cousins are here. I love them, but THEY'VE BEEN BRAINWASHED... BY DISNEY! *you knowdisneyboughtmarvelcomicssotheworldisgonnagomadandthey'llmakeanewspidermanwithhorribleactorsandohmygodit'sgonnabeterrible*
So now I'm watching an old and I mean OLD Hannah Montana BY FORCE! I can't take one more second of it. I already have obsessive-compulsive disorder (very mild), I don't need Insanity. No I'm not crazy, I'm advanced.
Cheese Face out.